Nuestro profesor Jacobo Caselas ha publicado en Amazón la versión en inglés del libro de iniciación. Lo puedes encontrar en versión impresa y en versión ebook.
This book is a Chess Manual aimed at beginners who know how the pieces move and are starting to play their first games as well as at instructors who want to teach a basic introductory chess course, as it offers them a support to their explanations and sets of progressive exercises according to the themes.
The manual covers:
- Basic endgames.
- Middlegame: basic tactical motifs and strategical principles.
- Openings: basic concepts.
The explanations are followed by a number of exercises and puzzles that are intended to provide examples and reinforce the knowledge acquired in the Manual.
International Master Jacobo Caselas (2400elo FIDE) has spent years dedicated to the training and preparation of promising young players. The author has published books dedicated to learning the earliest stages of the game as "Initiation to the Game of Chess: Chess Manual for beginners and coaches" and to the strategy in Chess as the two volumes of "Train your strategic game". As well as the tactic with "Improve your Tactical Chess: Clasical Miniatures"